These beautiful doors from São Paulo, a Brazilian city, show a high level of craftsmanship and an originality that really makes them stand out from the surroundings. The custom wood and metal work gives each door a distinctive feel to match the property, and the doors are a unique single-panel design that can be opened without an intrusive guide rail or large opener. Each door is made to a specific style, and although the holes through each door might make some consumers wary of this style, apparently the Brazilian’s don’t see any problems with it. According to one Brazilian commenter, thieves might examine a garage and see two normal cars inside, but the cultural standards of Brazilians mean that no valuable tools or equipment will be left out in plain view and thieves are usually discouraged by the heavy duty steel framing.
In colder climates, these doors might not be ideal, and they might look out of place on an old fashioned American home, but they look amazing on these Brazilian homes and certainly show that the owners have a sense of style. What do you think? Could your home sport such a showy door, or are you happier with the classic white panels?