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Summer is quick approaching, and soon homeowners will be back in their yards and garages, exploring their hobbies or playing with their kids. But summer brings more than just free time – it also bring sweltering heat. If you have any hobbies that you practice inside your garage, you already know how important the temperature of the garage is to your happiness. Some garages aren’t built to the same standards as normal rooms, so the walls may not be insulated, and this can easily lead to garage being freezing in the winter and burning up in the summer. No matter how much insulation the walls have, the garage door itself is a common problem point for insulation systems – the temperature outside can seep through an uninsulated door, making it impossible to spend time in the garage comfortably. An insulated residential garage door is a simple upgrade that can not only improve your quality of life, but also save you money year round!

The easiest option by far is just to buy an insulated garage door! All garage doors have an “R-value” which is an indicator of how conductive to heat a door is – if you want an insulated garage door, you want a high R-value. Some methods of insulation are better for cold climates and some do better with hotter environments, but for a fairly moderate area like Charlotte, North Carolina, a residential garage door suited for both cold and heat is preferable. If you are having a new door installed by a professional, they should adjust the settings on your garage door opener so that it can accommodate the changed weight of the new garage door. A new insulated garage door will save you money even if you don’t use your garage for anything besides storing cars because the interior walls or ceilings in-between the garage and any rooms it borders will naturally not be built as sturdily as exterior walls. Basically, the temperature of your garage will be seeping into the rooms next to it, especially if the room in question is above the garage. An insulated door will make it less expensive to temperature control those rooms.

If you don’t want a completely new garage door but you do want to improve the R-rating of your current door, a professional can install insulation onto the door, or you can buy supplies to do it yourself. Do your research to select the correct type of insulation, and if you change the weight of the door, have a professional adjust your opener so that it is tuned to lift the new weight of your garage door.

We have some blogs covering related topics: here’s an explanation of R-value, and here’s a guide to weatherstripping your garage door. There are tons of other guides online about how to apply panel insulation to your garage door, but nothing will be as effective as a professionally made and installed door designed to insulate your garage. If your family spends time in the garage over the summer, it might be a good time to upgrade your door!

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