5 Things Every Mancave Needs
Is your garage a mancave? The concept of a mancave, one room in the house where the man has total say over the design and usage, is an old one, but the trend of moving the mancave into the garage is more recent! Now that many homes are only using half of a two-car garage, or not using their garage at all, there’s ample opportunity to give the man of the house a space all his own.
We’ve got a Pinterest board containing all of our favorite mancave designs, and we’ve gathered some valuable data from seeing what people like online. So here’s our list of the five things that every mancave needs, with some examples from our Pinterest page. If you’re building a mancave of your own or trying to upgrade an existing space, these tips will help guide your renovation and leave you with a dad-pad behind your garage door that all your male guests will envy!