5 Things Every Mancave Needs

5 Things Every Mancave Needs

Is your garage a mancave? The concept of a mancave, one room in the house where the man has total say over the design and usage, is an old one, but the trend of moving the mancave into the garage is more recent! Now that many homes are only using half of a two-car garage, or not using their garage at all, there’s ample opportunity to give the man of the house a space all his own.

We’ve got a Pinterest board containing all of our favorite mancave designs, and we’ve gathered some valuable data from seeing what people like online. So here’s our list of the five things that every mancave needs, with some examples from our Pinterest page. If you’re building a mancave of your own or trying to upgrade an existing space, these tips will help guide your renovation and leave you with a dad-pad behind your garage door that all your male guests will envy!

Spring Cleaning Blog Header
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15 TOP Spring Cleaning Tips!

Hello, homeowners! Spring has sprung, and if you’re looking forward to spending time outside in the warm Charlotte weather, now is also the perfect time to do some Spring cleaning! Among all the types of home and garden maintenance, Spring cleaning gives you the best opportunity to revamp and revitalize your home.

Here’s our top fifteen tips for Spring cleaning your whole home. We’re going to start with the easy stuff, and get progressively more involved, so that you can match your commitment to your availability.

Garage Door Movie Theater

Movie Theater Garage Door Screen!

Have you ever been to an outdoor movie? Movies on the lawn are a summertime tradition, the hallmark of festivals and family gatherings. There’s few things that bring a community or family together better than gathering everyone on the grass to watch a timeless classic, projected on the big screen. Unfortunately, those huge screens can be hard for a homeowner to come by! Inflatable screens are expensive and difficult to set up, and finding a wall that’s both the right color and the right position can be impossible. Instead, why not turn to your handy garage door to get the job done?

wood garage doors pros and cons

Wood Garage Doors Pros and Cons

Wood garage doors have been around just as long as garages have been! Early carriage house doors were usually made of wood because it was the predominant building material of the time, and into the 1980s and 1990s most garage doors were still being constructed out of wood. The iconic sectional overhead garage door rose to popularity during these years, and these doors were usually made of detailed wood panels.

Nowadays, modern garage doors are likely to be made of metal – aluminum garage doors are lighter, cheaper, and easier to maintain, so for many homeowners they are the more sensible choice. For some, however, the luxury and beauty of a wooden door is more desirable than the ease of a metal door. Modern wood garage doors are impressive, and they’re one of the best ways for your home to make an impression on a passerby. A Plus Garage Doors has installed residential and commercial wood garage doors of all varieties, so we can tell you all about their advantages and disadvantages. Once you’ve learned about the subject, you can decide if a wooden garage door is right for your home.

Modern Residential Garage Door Design Header

Modern Residential Garage Door Designs

When was your residential garage door installed? Many homeowners can’t even answer that simple question, since they’ve had the same garage door for as long as they’ve lived in their home and didn’t ask the previous owners about the state of the door. For some reason, some homeowners assume that their garage door will keep working forever. Their door is big and noisy, but it works every time they press a button so it seems reasonable to assume that the door will continue working so long as no one hits it with a car!

Garage Door DIY Recycle Replace Header

The 7 Best Garage Door Recycling DIYs!

When you look at your garage door, you probably don’t feel very inspired. That’s okay! Here at A Plus Garage Doors, we live and breath garage doors, and even we can understand that most homeowners aren’t exactly in love with theirs. The garage door can be an eyesore, or a headache, or just a loud grumbling part of your morning routine that is forgotten the second you close it behind you on your way to work. For some people, however, that isn’t enough. Some people look at their garage door and are inspired… Today’s blog goes out to them!

Fall DIY Craft Project Do It Yourself

Fall DIY Crafts!

It is the season for pumpkins and apple cider, scary story and monsters, and also the season for a whole bushel of simple craft projects! We’ve created a list of some of our favorites over on our pintrest page, and if you’re looking for a way to decorate your home on a budget or just a way to stretch your creative muscles with a little project, we’ve got something perfect for you!

Hot Rod Garage Door Makeover Header

Garage Project: Hot Rod Fever!

People use their garages for all kinds of things, but consistently we see two uses that stand out as the most common. Many people store things in the garage, and many (although perhaps fewer than you’d expert!) also keep their cars there. For some people, however, they can practice their hobby and keep their cars indoors at the same time. For anyone who collects hot rods or considers themselves a hobbyist mechanic, the thought of leaving their beautiful custom car outside, exposed to the elements, is unthinkable. The garage has always been home to tinkerers and auto experts, but some modern chop shops take this fascination to a whole new level.

Carolina Panthers Garage Mahal Blog Header

Garage Mahal: A Shrine to The Carolina Panthers

There’s just nothing like the feeling of being in a good sports bar. The camaraderie, cheering, and decor combine to make an experience greater than just watching a game. For many, the gameday tradition of visiting their favorite bar, or even just inviting friends over to crowd around the television, is as integral a part of the sport as the actual game. With the preseason ending and Football season quickly approaching, everyone is looking for the best place to watch the games. For Cindy and Bill Buchanan, they never have to look very far. Their garage is possibly the largest collection of Carolina Panthers memorabilia in the world, and they get seventy-five of their friends together to watch the Panther’s away games in it every year.