HOA Homeowners Association Garage Door Blog Header

This HOA Forced Their Residents to Leave Their Garage Doors Open – Find Out Why.

If you’re like the majority of US homeowners, you use your garage for much more than parking your car. For some homes, the garage is a smorgasbord of tinkering space, storage closet, workshop, parking spot, and playroom. The garage is a useful middle-ground between an interior room and the world outside, perfect for messy work or bulky storage. You wouldn’t want to bring your bike inside every day, or to leave your table saw in the kitchen, but you also wouldn’t put either of those outside. Leaving your things inside and closing the garage door lets you protect them, from the elements and from thieves. But for an unfortunate development in Auburn, California, this wasn’t an option.

9 PM Routine New Years Safety Header

9 P.M. Routine and New Year’s Eve Safety

The New Year is almost upon us, and this is a great time of your to make resolutions! It’s a well-known fact that almost no one actually keeps their New Year’s Resolutions. In fact, the odds are that you’ve broken such a resolution before in the past! The real problem comes from figuring out why people break their resolutions. One reason is that people choose things that are too unreasonable or difficult. If you haven’t run a mile since the fifth grade, resolving to run a marathon might be too much! But there are some helpful resolutions that anyone can make and maintain, like the 9 P.M. Routine. 

Cold Weather Prepare Garage Door Blog Header
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Preparing your Garage for the Winter Cold

Charlotte is officially experiencing the Winter cold, with temperatures below freezing most mornings and a serious windchill, but Winter is only beginning! Everyone knows how important it is to take care of your home in the cold, but knowing what that looks like can be more difficult. Luckily, we happen to be experts in everything garage-door-related, and can offer some advice about preparing your garage for the Winter temperatures. Proper preventative measures can keep your home nice and toasty all season long, and save you some serious cash. Read more to find out how!


Top Garage Door Infographics

Hello readers! Today we’re bringing you some great garage-door-related infographics from around the web. Infographics have been growing in popularity because they are attractive, easily digestible, and a great way to educate about important topics. Today, the topic of choice is garage doors! We’ve got five great infographics that are designed to be both fun and informative, and checking these out will give you an understanding of the basics behind almost every aspect of garage door care and operation.

Garage Door Opener Manuals Header
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How to Find Your Garage Door Opener Manual Online

Many homeowners don’t choose their garage door opener. If you’ve moved into a home that already had a functioning garage door opener, there’s no real need for you to upgrade. Sure, garage door openers wear out over time, but they’re very dependable machines and usually aren’t the first part of the door assembly to break down. Some homeowners decide that they want an upgrade because they’d like smartphone integration, or a quieter opener, or any number of other reasons, but for many homeowners the standard opener is plenty…


Garage Door Child Safety

Have you had a conversation with your children about the garage door? Garage doors are a typical part of life for adults, but children are often fascinated by them. Your residential garage door is loud, large, and moves without anyone getting near it – it isn’t so hard to understand why children find them interesting! This wouldn’t normally be a problem because garage doors are quite safe if they’re treated carefully, but there are cases of garage doors breaking or collapsing, or of their safety features failing. Either of these can be dangerous to inattentive children, and educating your kids about the garage door can literally save lives.

Garage Door Safety Security Keypad Update

Garage Door Safety: Keypad

Does your garage door have a keypad? The keypad is one of the most convenient and most common ways for homeowners to open their garage door. It saves you the trouble of having to carry a remote, it is perfect if you have children that play outside, and it can even save you some humiliation if you end up locked out of your home! What most people don’t think about, however, is that fact that a keypad introduces some new security risks into your system. Older keypads in particular can be very dangerous to use, because tech-savvy thieves will sometimes target the garage door opener as the best mechanism for gaining access to your home. Luckily, there are a couple simple steps that anyone can take to make sure that their family stays safe!

Mold Monster! What’s Lurking in your Walls?

Mold Monster! What’s Lurking in your Walls?

Is there a nasty surprise lurking in your home, hidden but threatening your family’s safety? Every homeowner knows the dangers of mold, but oftentimes mold goes unseen until it has already taken a firm hold. An improperly built garage presents a perfect environment for mold to take hold, so we’ve gathered some information that every homeowner should know – why mold will grow in your home, what you can do to prevent it before it ever appears, and how to get rid of it if you do find some! Like garage doors, homeowners can do some of the simpler preventative measures and fixes, but for more serious problems it is always better to call a professional!

Residential Repair Shut Garage Door Burglars

Shut The (Garage) Door on Burglars!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – the most important step a homeowner can take to protecting the contents of their garage is to close the garage door! Although that might sound obvious, everyone can remember a time that they left their garage door open. Maybe, some of you reading this routinely leave your door open. Or maybe, you were doing some yard work in the backyard and left the door open on the front of your home so you could put your tools away. The simple convenience of not having to worry about the door is appealing, but ask yourself if it is worth risking a break in – or worse – and you might reconsider.

Dog Garage Doggy Day Care Header

Doggie Day Care

The summer may be coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean that the heat is going anywhere! All of us here at A Plus Garage Doors are huge animal fans, but we often can’t bring our pets with us when we leave the home. Most stores won’t allow pets of course, and with the temperature outside, leaving them in the car isn’t an option. Although there may be no easy solution to this problem in the Charlotte area, Dr. Mary Traverse from Austin, Texas, has found a way to let pet owners take their dogs with them on errands, without placing them at risk.