Day In the Field Header

Days in the Field, Part 1

Longtime followers of our blog and new visitors alike will probably be surprised to learn that I am not, in fact, a garage door technician! I am a member of the A Plus Garage Doors office team, so I work closely with the technicians on everything that I write and share – you don’t need to doubt its accuracy! But in my day-to-day job with the company, I only rarely visit job sites in-progress. But here at A Plus, we believe in going above and beyond the call of what is required. That’s what led us to have 40+ 5-star reviews on Google, and a reputation for reliable, timely service in Charlotte. We’re family owned and family operated, and Jimmy Perneszi – the owner – has been working on garage doors for over thirty years. Suffice to say, we only do quality work, and we bring our “A-Plus game” to every job. 

Photo eye Sensors Header Tips Guide

The Important of Garage Door Photo-Eye Sensors

Since 1993, all garage door systems have been required to have a crucial safety system known as the photo-eye sensor. The photo-eye, however, is also one of the most common causes of garage door problems! Knowing how this safety sensor works can enable home or business owners to fix some problems with their garage door, without even needing to contact an expert. So if you want to know more about the sophisticated safety of the photo-eye, read on! 

Loud Garage Door Blog

How to Fix Your Loud Garage Door

Is your garage door obnoxiously loud? Does your family wake you up when they come in late at night, or leave early in the morning? Do you worry about disturbing your neighbors with the horrible grating noise? Well you’re in luck, because these problems are fixable! Garage doors and garage door openers, like most machines, are always going to make a little bit of noise just because of the mechanical stresses of their operation. Most of this noise, however, can be reduced via proper care and a few easy upgrades. If you’ve been living with a monster of a door for years, you’d be amazed at how quiet things can really be. 

Choosing Company Header A Plus

What to Look for in a Garage Door Company

Hiring a company to work on your home can be intimidating. Having strangers walking around your property can be a little unsettling, and if you’re having some renovation done, seeing a stranger demolishing part of your home is even weirder! When someone is going to be working on your home, it pays to choose carefully – but how do you know what to look for in a contractor? Finding the best company can be a challenge, with so many companies vying for your attention and money! We’ve compiled some of our top tips, specifically looking at how to choose a garage door company. Most of these will be applicable to other industries as well, of course. 

Residential Garage Door Left Open

Why you Don’t Want to Leave Your Garage Door Open

Do you ever leave your garage door open? Most people do. If you’re coming and going while doing yard work, if you have kids playing in the yard, or if you’re trying to let some airflow into a humid and musty garage, it can be the most convenient choice. This habit can quickly become a problem, however, because leaving your garage door open is almost as bad as leaving the door to your home open. You see, it only takes an instant for an expert thief to duck inside your garage and abscond with some of your valuable possessions, or worse – if you ever forget to lock the door between your home and garage, the garage door being open can result in an intruder in your home. There are other risks associated with an open garage door besides intruders – letting animals and the elements into your garage can also be a problem. To avoid all these problems, there is one simple solution – just shut your garage door!

Biggest Garage Door Problem Photo-eye Header

The NUMBER ONE Problem with Garage Doors

What is a photo-eye sensor? You’ve probably seen the small boxes attached to your garage door’s side rails, low down on either side, but do you know what purpose they serve, or how to fix them if you have a problem? This is one of the most common problems that we get called in for, and luckily in many cases it’s a problem that we can fix over the phone. So if you want to know how to fix your sensor or to learn why your photo-eye sensor is important, keep reading!

Larger Garage Door Blog

What to do if Your Car IS BIGGER THAN Your Garage

When you imagine an old-school carriage house, you probably imagine the giant Model T cars of days past, with tiny well-dressed people sitting in the front seats. Watching Laurel and Hardy get up to their typical antics in the iconic car may make you think that the Model T was a real monster of a vehicle, and that modern design and technological innovation has resulted in a streamlined, shrunk car. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth! Vehicles are only getting bigger, in fact, and the massive consumer cars of today wouldn’t even have fit in most traditional carriage houses. The Model T and similar early cars may look large in photographs, but that’s mostly because of their strange design and open carriage. Stripping away all of the outer layers and gizmos that make up a modern car actually leaves you with a much smaller base frame. 

Garage Door Secrets Blog Header

6 TOP Garage Door Secrets

Everyone likes a good secret – people love knowing secrets, or keeping secrets. Knowing something that other people don’t can be powerful, and of course it can be rewarding. But did you know that even now, your garage door is keeping secrets from you? That’s right – sitting out there in your garage is the key to saving money, staying informed about your home, or adding another whole room onto your house! Today, we’re going to pull back the curtain and pass along six juicy secrets about your garage door that you might not have known.

Garage Door Opener Manuals Header
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How to Find Your Garage Door Opener Manual Online

Many homeowners don’t choose their garage door opener. If you’ve moved into a home that already had a functioning garage door opener, there’s no real need for you to upgrade. Sure, garage door openers wear out over time, but they’re very dependable machines and usually aren’t the first part of the door assembly to break down. Some homeowners decide that they want an upgrade because they’d like smartphone integration, or a quieter opener, or any number of other reasons, but for many homeowners the standard opener is plenty…